Hi, I'm Timothy W. Spencer. This is the place for the latest news about my musings, short stories, novels, and podcast novels written and/or performed by T. W. Spencer. I am working toward making my work available for download so stay tuned.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Friday, March 22, 2013
At the book store in N.Y.C.
Went with Steve to the Kitchen Arts and Literature in New York City, I'm hoping Steve won't find to many books that he can't live without.
Friday, February 22, 2013
I guess I have been to focused on getting the badges.
I earned the Silver level of the Flash 80 badge using #Audible for #Android. Want yours? http://audible.com/wireless @audible_com
I guess you've figured this out!
I earned the Silver level of the Audible Obsessed badge using #Audible for #Android. Want yours? http://audible.com/wireless @audible_com
Looking forward to another weekend of hardcore listening!
I earned the Gold level of the Weekend Warrior badge using #Audible for #Android. Want yours? http://audible.com/wireless @audible_com
Not even sleep will stop me!
I earned the Diamond level of the All Nighter badge using #Audible for #Android. Want yours? http://audible.com/wireless @audible_com
My ears are buzzing!
I earned the Silver level of the Marathoner badge using #Audible for #Android. Want yours? http://audible.com/wireless @audible_com
I can't decide what to listen to, obviously!
I earned the Silver level of the Undecider badge using #Audible for #Android. Want yours? http://audible.com/wireless @audible_com
I just can't stop listening!
I earned the Diamond level of the The Stack badge using #Audible for #Android. Want yours? http://audible.com/wireless @audible_com